オンライン原稿投稿システム <日本比較教育学会>
Online Manuscript Submission System
このシステムでは、学会紀要 『比較教育学研究』 へのオンライン投稿・修正原稿投稿を行います。
Through this system, you can submit and revise manuscripts to the academic journal “Comparative Education."
会員の方はご自分の会員番号とパスワードを使ってログインしてください。 If you are a member of the JCES, please login using your member ID and password.
※会員IDとは会員番号のことです。 *Member ID is your membership number.
※パスワードをお忘れの方は画面上部の【ログインできない方はこちら】のボタンをクリックしてください。 *If you have forgotten your password, please click the [ログインできない方はこちら] button at the top of the screen.
非会員の方はご利用できません。 Not available to non-members.
*For security reasons, the system will be reset if left inactive for more than 30 minutes.
In that case, please restart from the beginning.
注意) 個人情報の取扱について
Note) Regarding the Use of Personal Information
Galileo Co., Ltd. fully recognizes that it is our social responsibility to carefully protect personal information,
and our executives and employees comply with our company's compliance program regarding personal information
protection based on personal information protection laws and JIS Q 15001. We will handle personal information
appropriately and securely and strive to thoroughly protect personal information.
Member information collected by this system will be used for the smooth operation of the society and will not be
used for any other purposes.